2009 was a pretty busy year for me and full of firsts. I quit my dream job as a librarian to be a full-time mom, I moved 3 times (to 3 different states), and started this here bloggy in order to keep my sanity while I stay at home with a toddler. Of course, I also read a monstrous pile of books (over 180) and thought I'd pick out some of my favs to share.
Best YA...Period: Fire by Kristin Cashore
Some of the most beautiful and original writing I've come across in a while, surrounded by characters who will just about break your heart with their loyalty, love, and courage. Love, love.
Best YA Fantasy: The Demon's Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan
Just knock me over and tie me up, cause Nick takes the cake in this book. At one point I alternately either loved or despised each and every character and could not have been more caught off guard by the ending. Can. Not. Wait. For. The. Sequel.

Best Urban Fantasy: Magic Strikes by Ilona Andrews
What began as a promising kickbutt heroine UF set in a magic-ravaged Atlanta has turned into one of my favorite UF series to date. Kate and Curran keep circling each other and even though they aggravate each other to no end, I have a feeling things are just going to get more interesting in the much anticipated sequel, Magic Bleeds.
Best Sequel: Ballad by Maggie Stiefvater
James' tragic love story with a rockin' soul-sucking faery was nothing short of drool-inducing, heart rate-spiking, grade-A Book Crack.
Best Throwback to 2008: Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta
Frickin' brilliant writing that I am still trying to wrap my brain around. I think Marchetta should also get an award for creating one deliciously flawed cast of characters - every one is a ringer.

Best Classic Novel: Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day by Winifred Watson
I picked this one up after loving Amy Adams in the movie remake and promptly got lost in the clever dialogue and gorgeous vintage illustrations. A laugh out loud feel-gooder that will remain a keeper.
Funniest Non-Fiction: The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible by A.J. Jacobs
One New York man trying to live every single law in the Bible for an entire year? Hilarity will ensue.
Best Author Discovery: Ellen Emerson White
Hands down this goes to Ellen Emerson White along with a big thank-you to Angie at Angieville for bringing her to my attention. After devouring The Road Home, I quickly moved on to her Echo Company series and then straight into the President's Daughter books. Seriously, anything that woman writes is solid gold and if you haven't had a chance to dive into her books yet, please DO!
We've got a few picks in common for our top of 2009, but what I really wanted to comment on was Miss Pettigrew - the movie, not the book, which I need to read. I just watched it a couple of weeks ago, and...Lee Pace! What a wonderful film.
Chelle - Wasn't it just perfect?! I so loved everything about Amy Adams and Lee Pace. Sigh - it's one I need to pull out again and you should definitely read!!
*sigh* Well, that's just a peach of a list. I fully support it. :)
I need to get my hands on The Year of Living Biblically. Sounds like a riot!
Fire is on my list of faves too.
Angie - you crack me up girly!! And I must say, I have you to thank for many of these recommendations...
Lenore - Yes, Jacobs is funny is a self-depreciating way that New Yorker's pull off so well. Highly recommended.
I LOVED The Demon's Lexicon, too, and I'm so glad I saw it on so many lists today! I see you enjoyed many great titles I want to read, too : Fire, Jellicoe Road, Ballad...
Happy New Year!
Kay - thanks so much and happy new year to you as well! And I highly suggest you pick up fire, JR and Ballad .. each are fantastic!!
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