And all of my problems and predicaments were courtesy of a fist-sized, soul-sucking rock.And she's quite right. The soul-sucking rock in question has given her an added boost to her normally respectable, but nonetheless minimal, magical abilities but even with with Saghred's help, it doesn't seem enough to accomplish the following:
1. close a hellgate
2. foil the Demon Queen
3. convince the powerful Council of Twelve that she isn't turning into a soulless dark mage that needs to be imprisoned for life (or worse)
Quite a list. Luckily she's got some good friends to back her up: Piaras, the spellsinging wonder-kid; her pirate cousin/sidekick in all things dangerous Phelan; the mysterious Guardian Mychael; and the much-appreciated dark-is-sexy Tam all make appearances as things get dicey. Add in another handful of equally compelling secondary characters and some serious bullies you love to hate, and we've got ourselves a non-stop action story with Raine's trademark smart-mouth narration.
Over the past two books, I've greatly enjoyed Lisa Shearin's back-and-forth, unpredictable love triangle between Raine, Tam, and Mychael. I did feel like the tension had come to a head in Armed & Magical and was sure Raine would be making the Big Decision in The Trouble with Demons. To my dismay, nothing of the sort happened. Not only does Raine not get any closer (whatsoever) to deciding on which hunk she's gonna go for, but all three end up more tangled magically and physically with no clear resolution in sight. I would have left this book pretty dang irritated if it hadn't been for Raine's encounter with one particular hunk the last chapter. A step in the right direction but still so far from the emotional attachment I was craving.
series reading order:
~ Magic Lost, Trouble Found - my review
~ Armed & Magical - my review
~ The Trouble with Demons
~ Bewitched and Betrayed (2010)
Because Everyone Likes a Second Opinion:
Angieville review
Enduring Romance review
Ink and Paper review
Lurv a la Mode review
Tempting Persephone review
book source: borrowed from a friend
Hi Michelle,
Loved the review! I'm so glad you're enjoying my books. And I think you'll like knowing that there's some serious relationship developments in Raine's next adventure -- Bewitched & Betrayed which will be out April 27. However, in December I'll be posting the first three chapters on my website as a Christmas present for my fans. Drop by and enjoy!
Take care!
Thank heavens for that last encounter. *sigh*
And Lise, that is very good news! I can't wait to read B&B. Will definitely check out that Christmas present. :)
I bought Magic Lost a few months ago, I really need to give this series a shot. I have a love/hate relationship with love-triangles! Good reaview!
Lisa - I love these books so terribly much. And Tam. Defintely Tam. And I'll definitely be looking forward to that Christmas present!!
Angie - thank you so much for recommending this series to me - love it! And Tam.
Kath - yes! pick it up as soon as you can and get ready for a lot of fun.
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