So I'm sorta in a reading slump. Unfortunately, I am stuck waiting for my next chosen series (Ellen Elemerson White's President's Daughter series) to come and just can't decide what to start on instead. Do you have a never-fail-pull-me-out-of-a-slump-fast Book Not To Be Missed? I like just about anything and would love any input.
Since I need ideas fast, I'll make the request a little sweeter: I'll be giving away a copy of Jo Knowles Jumping Off Swings to one random recommender. Extra points will be awarded if I actually chose your book so be sure to make your recommendation as interesting as possible. Contest will be open until Monday, September 13th at midnight.
Since I need ideas fast, I'll make the request a little sweeter: I'll be giving away a copy of Jo Knowles Jumping Off Swings to one random recommender. Extra points will be awarded if I actually chose your book so be sure to make your recommendation as interesting as possible. Contest will be open until Monday, September 13th at midnight.

If you haven't read Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer, I suggest that. The moon was hit by an astroid and is off it's orbit. This creates chaos on Earth. I read it about a month ago and it's still stuck with me! When I hear about H1N1 stuff it comes to mind. There are two other books in the series, so it gives you more to read.
Hope you find something awesome to read!
foltzsfantasticbooks at
The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins or Mrs Mike by the Benedicts. Both are favorites :)
oh you want synopsi too?
Ok, the Woman in White is the first of the thriller genre - an amazing Victorian novel set in London that has you riveted until the end and haunts you for years later. No murder, no grotesque CSI crap, just plain good ole thrills. Unlike a Dickens novel, however, there's no overabundance of word vomit and the clues come together throughout the book, not just at the end.
As for Mrs Mike - this is a autobiography of a sweet little Boston girl who moves to Canada and falls in love with a Mounty. Life isn't a fairy tale after they wed, but their love binds them together and makes them strong. A great book that leaves you feeling like your own love and marriage can survive anything.
If you haven't read The Hunger Games, READ IT NOW. Haha. It's intense, with a really unique plot and engaging characters. Plus, you get to read the sequel, Catching Fire, right away!
If you HAVE read The Hunger Games, you could try The Summoning by Kelley Armstrong. It's got a bunch of paranormal creatures and it's really fast-paced and interesting. Plus, the main character has my name ;D Haha.
Good luck getting out of your reading slump! :D
I hate reading slumps! Below are a few amazing books I think you might enjoy!
1-Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side by Beth Fantaskey
2-Just One Wish by Janette Rallison
3-Oh.My.Gods by Tera Lynn Childs
So I'm not really interested in the giveaway, but I'd love to help you out of your reading slump! I glanced at your to-read list and a few books which blew me away were on it:
The Time Traveler's Wife
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
I also think you should try The Perilous Gard by Elizabeth Marie Pope, which is an older Newbery award winner. I just think it's the perfect blend of fairy tale retelling (Tam Lin), historical fantasy, and YA that you'd love.
Good luck!
Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Have I got the book FOR YOU :) It's fast, fun, interesting and a can't-put-down!
Picture a naive, plain Jane who lands an uber job working in the movie industry. Her fairy Godmother is a snarky, spoiled brat. Her next in command is the Office Golden Girl with a black heart and Prada Shoes lol
She needs to get with the office program and fast - either run with the wolves or get bitten.
So she gets her groove on! Only to have the unexpected happen...
This book is glossy, fast, catty and a quick lesson in office couture and gossip girls.
I LOVED LOVED LOVED IT! And it's written just a level above the teen scene, but still YA enough to be a fun, albeit slightly more mature read.
11 Stars out of 10
Whew, I wore me out :P Hope this suggestion helps ya and please please please enter me in your fun contest ~
Some of the books I was totally drawn into are :
Peeps - Scott Westerfeld
Shiver - Maggie Stiefvater
As You Wish - Jackson Pearce
The Demon's Lexicon - Sarah Rees Brennan
Happy Reading!
Jill - I did try "Life as we knew it" and LOVED it! Loved the diary entries, loved the concept. Let's just say I stocked up on food storage and medicine after reading that one.
Kristin - Ohh. I've forgotten how shiver-iffic "The Woman in white" is but I've never read "Mrs. Mike" before. That sounds very good.
Chloe - I devoured the "Hunger games" and am already a card-carrying fangirl of "The Summoning". Both excellent recommendations. Thanks!
Kath - three excellent suggestions. Thanks!!
Holly - Thanks for reminding me about these two. I just read Yvonne's review of "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" and was reminded how much I wanted to read that one too. It's got a little boy as a narrator right?
Mary Ann - Thanks for the tip. I always enjoy books with good female characters.
Llehn - "The Demon's Lexicon" is right there on the top of my tbr list. Thanks for reminding me!!
No need to enter me, but I (naturally) have some recs for you. I couldn't remember if you'd read CLOCKWORK HEART by Dru Pagliassotti yet or not. I'm thinking not? Anyway, it's lovely and different and funny and I think you'd like it. Also, have you ever read ANIMAL DREAMS by Barbara Kingsolver? I've only read a couple of hers but that one is magic. Absolute magic. Particularly for a completely non-magical book. ;) Last of all, STAR OF THE MORNING by Lynn Kurland. It's the first in an incredibly readable fantasy trilogy starring a great group of companions on a quest and the two leads are fabulous. Hope you find something! I hate my slumps...
Yes! A funny and intelligent 9 year old.
If you dont have slump book than I recommend u to read following good ones which I like most.
# ULYSSES by James Joyce
# THE GREAT GATSBY by F. Scott Fitzgerald
# LOLITA by Vladimir Nabokov
# BRAVE NEW WORLD by Aldous Huxley
# THE SOUND AND THE FURY by William Faulkner
# CATCH-22
# DARKNESS AT NOON by Arthur Koestler
# SONS AND LOVERS by D.H. Lawrence
# THE GRAPES OF WRATH by John Steinbeck
batterie ordinateur portable
ROSEMARY AND RUE by Seanan McGuire.
First in a great new series published by DAW.
You will LOVE it.
All the best,
I just bought the first in the President's Daughter series too! Next on my list. In the meantime:
House of Many Ways by Diana Wynne Jones (i just reviewed it over at my book blog)
The Laurentine Spy by Emily Gee
anything by Orson Scott Card
Warchild by Karin Lowachee
Angie - as always, all three of your recommendations sound wonderful. I appreicate your input - you haven't steered me wrong yet!
Josh - Wow. You named off some definite winners. "The Grapes of Wrath" has to be one of my all time favorites.
RKCharron - I've been hearing a lot about this new series. Thank you for reminding me how much I've been wanting to check it out.
Lasrisas - Ooooohhh "The Laurentine Spy"! I had totally forgotten about that one. Thanks for the reminder!
Oh gosh there are so many awesome books out there!
here are some suggestions hopefully one of those you haven't read and you are interested in :)
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
Battle Royale by Koushun Takami
The Girl She Used to Be by David Cristofano
The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer
Q&A by Vikas Swarup
Tell me that you love me, junie moon by Marjorie Kellogg
Graceling by Kristin Cashore
Harry Potter series
If you want to know more about them just ask me or look them up hehe :)
I just read a fun book that you might like too! It's called "Rude Awakenings of a Jane Austen Addict." It's a story of a 1813 woman who wakes up to find herself in 2009 in another woman's body. It's fun to read her reactions to our world and her attempts to make sense of her place in our society. You'd love it and it's a quick read.
robin - So many great choices in this list! I've heard many good things about "The House of the Scorpion" that one should got at the top of my list.
Cherie - Being a Jane junkie myself, I always appreciate any tips for good Jane books.
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