Yeah, right.
Brittany Ellis can't wait for senior year to start, she's captain of the pom-pom squad and is dating the gorgeous football captain, Colin. Everyone thinks she has the perfect life - but on the inside she's constantly stressed about her perfection-driven mother and handicapped sister.
Alex Fuentes has had to be the man of his family for a long time. He joined the Latino Blood gang to protect his mother and two younger brothers and now wields his bad-boy rep like the weapon it is. Unlike many of the other gang members, he's stayed away from drugs and works hard at school even if he knows he's never going to escape his life of violence. But he's made his choice and he's not afraid.
Neither Alex or Brittany are prepared for their chemistry teacher to assign them as year-long lab partners who are required to submit a final project together. Both expect one thing from the other person and what they get has to be the furthest possible thing from that. Lots of verbal sparring matches, pranks played, and honest emotions shared take these two to a relationship more real than anything they've ever come across in their entire life. Not to mention some truly undeniable teenage sexual tension leaving both super-confident teens completely unsure of themselves. *grin* I don't miss high school one bit...
So many aspects in this book of two cultures clashing could have gone wrong but they were handled so well, I didn't even notice. Number one on this list could have been Alex's involvement with the LB gang. This element could have come across as contrived or even comical, but to my complete surprise the LB's scared me silly. Most of the teenagers in the gang I just felt sorry for (with the one exception of Alex's ex Carmen. Carmen? That girl with her stiletto boots and long red fingernails would have had me running for the hills), but the older Original Gangsters had me seriously considering the consequences of Alex's choices.
After having recently finished Jennifer Echols' Going too Far (loved, loved), I was looking forward to the switch from good boy/bad girl to good girl/bad boy. All I can say was that it was done to perfection in Simone Elekes' Perfect Chemistry. Brittany retained her good girl shine without ever becoming annoying and Alex had so many hidden insecurities and dreams that I couldn't but help love his bad boy swagger. I know it's the cliched West Side Story plot all over again, but this time, it's totally up to date and unbelievably well written. And I do have to note, out of the many epilogues I've read - most extremely cheesy - this one was so needed and just so endearing sweet and funny, it totally rocked. I think I read it at least three times. Okay, maybe four.
Excellent review, Michelle. I have to say I grinned madly while I read it. Something about this book just makes me happy. And I love that you read the epilogue four times. hehe.
Quite the double header with GOING TOO FAR and PERFECT CHEMISTRY.
Angie - Thanks again for introducing it to me! I pretty much grinned the entire time while reading this one! I competely loved it. Although, up until the epilogue, I was hoping for a sequel but I guess I'll just have to be satisfied..
And I thought I loved Meg as a bad girl, but Alex is my new favorite. He is just so... all of the above.
I adored the epilogue, too! It was so over-the-top and yet incredily adorable.
Rachel - I agree. It was so totally sweet and competely necessary.
Ooh, but you're getting your wish! Ms. Elkeles is writing a sequel. It's called RULES OF ATTRACTION and it is due out in May. No word on what it's about, if it follows Alex and Brittany or I was thinking possibly their son...
I <3 Alex.
Angie - you're kidding me right?? You just made my day..possibly my whole week!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for Alex, but I wouldn't mind Paco either ;)
Leslie - Isn't it great?! There were some truly funny moments, weren't there? I'm glad to hear you liked it as well.
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