If you have a moment, I also recommend that you take a moment to check out the new website www.13RWproject.com, a dedicated site for anyone to post reviews or feelings about the book - if you've read the book, include your thoughts there - alongside many other readers' (including yours truly). Here's what the publisher has to say about the site:
On May 12, 2011, Penguin launched the 13RW Project at www.13RWProject.com, as a place for fans of Thirteen Reasons Why to record their thoughts, stories, videos and photos relating to the book, and to view what other readers from all across the country have shared.
A bit about the book itself or you can read my review here:
Thirteen Reasons Why is the story of a girl named Hannah Baker who takes her own life. But before she does, she records several cassette tapes explaining why and sends them to the people she feels pushed her toward that decision. The story is told from the point of view of Clay Jensen who spends the night crisscrossing his town with Hannah’s voice as his guide. He becomes a first-hand witness to Hannah’s pain, and learns the truth about himself—a truth he never wanted to face.
The anti-bullying anthem was published in hardcover in October 2007 by Razorbill, and quickly became a word-of-mouth favorite among teenaged readers with fans claiming, “This book changed my life.” The novel has been on the New York Times children’s hardcover bestseller list for 65 weeks, foreign rights have been sold into 30 countries and it has been acquired by Universal Pictures and will star Selena Gomez.