You're The Best.... Around!

Please, please just do yourself a favor on this sunny Tuesday morning and head over to the YA Fantasy Showdown. It's a bracket style match-up of all your favorite YA characters in a fight to the death a la Hunger Games. In short, it's a feat of creative genius. Vote for who you think might win each battle to the death - but be sure to read each and every one of the creator's How We Think The Fight Might Go... because that section is hugely made of win. And awesomeness.

Excuse me while I go waste spend monumental amounts of time online.


Angiegirl said...

Looks like we need to get the MWT fans over there to vote for Gen. He could take Westley in a walk...

Michelle said...

Angie - He's not winning? What?!? *hurries off to twitter*

Anonymous said...

what's YA?

Anonymous said...

lol.. nevermind.. I found the answer xD

and I had cereals for breakfast.. if you include 2:30am as "morning"