Book Haul (1): fishpond & Sync

Well seeing as this is my first book haul post and all, I thought I'd post some lovelies I am most excited about that have come my way recently.

First up is also my first-ever order from Fishpond. I first heard about this site from Nomes (I think?) and although their prices are higher, they do have the added bonus of making available UK/Aussie books that I can't get over here. I was pretty impressed with their service -- three books for $14 and free shipping. I'm sure I'll be picking up books from them in the future. I bought the following, seeing as I cannot resist a pretty cover:
The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater
The Demon's Lexicon & The Demon's Surrender by Sarah Rees Brennan

I can't begin to say how giddy I am that I now have a matching set of this fabulous series. *pets* I think it's time for a reread of all four books.
Also! It's again time for Snyc's list of free summer audiobooks. Be sure to check out their list here; there are quite a few I'll be downloading (Hello-oo Daughter of Smoke and Bone!).

I've gotten some other books for review recently and hope to get around to some of those soon...including Sarah Rees Brennan's latest Unspoken. Although I'm sure to kill my eyes reading it as I only have a digital copy I can read on my computer. Not my kindle. Why oh why do they do this to me?
Very good things to come though I'm sure.


  1. *oohing and aahing* What a great deal! Those UK editions are really a must-own. Congrats on scoring them!

  2. Holly - Yes, I was supremely giddy over receiving those lovely books.

  3. Yay, you also have a UK edition of The Scorpio Races! Isn't it lovely? I think it's more beautiful than its US counterpart. Same goes for the Demon's Lexicon series. Oh and I just finished reading Unspoken and you're right, it did hurt my eyes because I had to read it in front of the computer but I think it's worth the effort. :P

  4. Hey Michelle, I forgot to mention that I had the same problem with Unspoken and was able to convert it to an epub to read on my Kindle. It takes a a little work but I think it's worth it. You need to download Calibre or something that can strip DRM and then convert ebook files. Just google it and follow the instructions. The best part is that once you have Calibre set up with your Kindle specifications then doing it in the future will only take a few seconds.

  5. on what holly said, i have learnt how to use calibre too, which means i can convert anything and read it on my kindle. it took a little bit of effort to set up, but it is so worth it (now it only takes a few seconds to convert every book)

    and yay for fishpond.



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