Little Miss Bronte & Little Master Carroll by Jennifer Adams

As you well know, I don't usually review children's books here on the bloggy. But when I recieved a review request for a series of board books which use classic novels to teach counting and colors to babies, well you can be sure I was pretty much sold. Especially since you all know (and understand) my longstanding obsession fascination with all things Jane Eyre. 

When Little Miss Bronte: Jane Eyre and Little Master Carroll: Alice in Wonderland first arrived on my doorstep I admit to squealing a bit. Because seriously, these books are utterly brilliant! Rich, vibrant colors and intricate, textured illustrations all but shout out 'Read Me!' Which I did. Several times. And
maybe I read them to my kids too. Once or twice. Although I confess that they currently live on my bookshelf and not theirs. To be fair however, as I write this review my four year old has wandered over to read the books to himself and is currently laughing himself silly over Alice in Wonderland. 

Thankfully, it seems that both the author and illustrator actually
know these classic stories -- there are subtle quotes and pictorial references to some of my favorite scenes from the books. Like this one from Jane Eyre, which references what is probably my most favorite quote ever. Plus the pearls!
 Or this one:
Which although the picture looks quite cheery, the text is suitably foreshadowing. Love. 

Upon further research it looks like there are several other ones including a Pride & Prejudice and a Romeo + Juliet story. Which both look so stinkin' adorable that I just might have to pick up those as well.  If you are looking for a unique baby shower or birthday gift you really couldn't go wrong with these two perfect little board books. They would also make excellent gifts to any bibliophile. Especially one of the Jane Eyre disposition. 

book source: provided by the publisher


  1. Oooh, did someone say Jane Eyre? *WANT WANT* I definitely need to see the P&P one too.

  2. These kiddie books are so cute! You're absolutely right, they're the perfect baby shower or birthday gifts for anyone who's a reader. :P


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