
So I'm busy trying to finish reading The Help in my spare moments (ha!) before seeing the movie with some friends tonight when these two lovlies showed up today.

My self control just isn't that good people.


  1. Ha! Not nearly. Mine either. Enjoy!

  2. Ahhhhh! I can't wait to read Chain Reaction!! I wouldn't be able to keep focused on The Help. Don't get me wrong, it's a good book, but it's not Simone Elkeles.....

  3. The Help doesn't really have any big twists or surprises anyway, so seeing the movie before you finish the book shouldn't ruin it for you.

  4. Ooh, excited for you to read YDHTSYLM! How are you liking The Help btw? I've been turned off by it's popularity but have been thinking about picking it up.

  5. I gave my mom The Help for Mother's Day last year and she enjoyed reading it. I can just borrow her copy if I want to read it. I hope you read YDHTSYLM soon! Would love to know what you think about that. :) It's different from Unsticky but I still enjoyed reading it. Can't wait for Sarra Manning's next adult novel!

  6. I lose it when it is a book I've been waiting for for years. I know the feeling. Like the day I got me a copy of Beloved.


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