In My Mailbox: October 24

In My Mailbox is a meme hosted by Kristi of The Story Siren and was inspired by Alea of Pop Culture Junkie. This meme is about books that you received or bought during the week.
Thankfully fall has finally come we're a few months behind out here in the desert, and am just getting so dang excited because we are *this close* to Halloween. I've been planning this years costume for quite some time, so watch for some pictures next week. That is, if I can remember to take some.

For books this week, I only got a few but they are a good few. Ever since I posted this I've been really looking forward to tracking down a copy of Vixen and was so very happy to receive a review copy - if only for that lovely cover. But really, who doesn't love a good roaring 20s novel?
for review:
Winter Bloom by Tara Heavey
Vixen by Lila Fine

my local library:
Maybe This Time by Jennifer Cruise

I've already read Maybe This Time but sadly wasn't as in love with it as I usually am with anything by Ms. Cruise. Maybe since it was more of a 'ghost' story I felt like it didn't contain as much of Ms. Cruise's trademark humor. Hopefully I'll get a full review of it up sometime this week.

Lastly, in totally non-book-related news (but still very exciting), my favorite UPS guy dropped off these happy yellow boots Friday - ones I have been salivating over for months now.
I already love them.
And now I just need the yellow slicker so I can truly look like Debbie Reynolds in Singin' in the Rain.


  1. Geat books!
    Vixen is on my wishlist.
    And great boots too.
    Here's what I got In My Mailbox

  2. Aww too bad Crusie's latest isn't that good. But congrats on getting a review copy of Vixen! It really has a lovely cover. :)

    Oooh rain boots. I've been tempted to get boots like those because of all the rain that we've been getting here. I want these but they're expensive!

  3. I got a copy of Vixen too and can't wait to start reading it tonight! And I love the rain boots - very cute :)

  4. I LOVE the cover of Vixen, think I may just have to check it out. And HEY, i am loving the blog :)

  5. Enjoy the boots! I have matching yellow pants and jacket for biking in the rain!


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