One Wedding Dress & A Book Cover

When I got married several years ago, I originally I wanted to get hitched in this:
Though once I discovered the cost of antique lace (ACK!), I decided I liked this one much better - but without the whole scandalous see-through top...thing.
 This is how it turned out:
Favorite. Dress. Ever.

Today I saw this cover here:
I immediately think...ohhhhh! Pretty 20s style lace! Pretty pink sash!

wait a minute...

And suddenly I was having flashbacks to my own lace-filled happily ever after.
And it's still the best dress I've ever worn. 


  1. I love it! So pretty!

    My wedding dress was actually quite simple, but I loved it. If you want to see it, friend me on Facebook: Lenore Appelhans.

  2. HOLY COW that was the dress I was making a flat pattern (when I was engaged) of when I found a ready-to-wear one that Dave loved more, so I went with it & saved myself oodles of stress (and avoiding a horrific melding of Katie Kaboom and Bridezilla). I still dream about making it, though. Beautiful!

  3. What a romantic dress. Mine was not so classy...More of a princess-y over the top dress. But, I loved it! If we renew our vows, I will definitely be looking for a dress closer to your than my original pouff-master. Thanks for sharing.

  4. White dress. Lace. Wedding photo. That is so romantic! I loved your wedding dress and I think it looks better than the lace numbers on the models. It so good to hear that you still wouldn't change your dress. Hopefully my man will pop the question soon, but in the meantime, I'm indulging in the romance of it all, which includes the Ultimate Purple Passion Package GIVEAWAY that I am having on my blog.

  5. So pretty! I love your wedding dress, very classy and elegant. :)

  6. Lenore - Oh fun! I'll have to go check yours out. I love seeing other people's dresses!

    Kristin - You are so kidding me!! I can't believe it. Of COURSE you were trying to make your own, you silly girl. Where did you end up buying yours from? I'd love a pic.. hint.. hint..

    Mrs. DeRaps - Thank you. Although, every girl does need a good princess dress ;)

    firepages - You are too sweet! Thanks! And good luck to you on the marriage front. Sometimes it's hard to wait..

    lasrisas - *grins* I like it ;)

  7. Beautiful dress! I got married in a borrowed wedding dress, because we had no money to even rent one. It definitely wasn't the style I wanted, but I guess I still got my man, which was the important part anyway. ;)

  8. *gasp* That dress is gorgeous. I'm so glad you ended up with one you loved. It should be your favorite dress ever for sure. I felt the same way about mine. Though I had no idea what I wanted or what it would look like until I tried it on. What a happy post...

  9. Brenda - I agree - that is the most important part. And I bet you still looked beautiful!

    Angie - I think every girl should love their wedding dress. Glad to hear your was perfect too!

  10. I got engaged and married within three weeks so a fancy dress was out of the question. I got a dress in a department store that I still absolutely love. Best thing was I got to wear it a couple more times to special functions. I'd still wear it if my rear end hadn't expanded over the past five years. Great post!

  11. So, I'm catching up on your awesome blog, and then I see your wedding dress... and... oh!! So pretty!!! What a lovely post. :)



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