The Subtle Knife & The Amber Spyglass by Philip Pullman Audiobook

Who knew it, but June is actually Audiobook Month. So today, I today I thought I'd write about an audiobook I've recently listened to (and adored).
While I'm not really an audio book person (I'd much rather to physically hold a book and turn the pages one by one), I am partial to having something playing while I'm driving around or exercising since the radio usually drives me batty. As a added bonus (and to make me feel like I'm being sneaky and getting two things done at once) I try to either listen to either classics or books I've always wanted to read but never really had the enthusiasm to sit down with for any length of time. A while back I decided to listen to the final two books in Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy since I never really got around to finishing the series after reading The Golden Compass almost two years ago. Mostly this decision came about after listening to Aimee of My Fluttering Heart declare her undying affection for one Will and Lyra during Literary Love
Luckily for me, I unwittingly stumbled upon what has to be the best audio book production I've ever come across when I began The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass. The novels themselves are read by the author himself supported by a complete cast in what I can only describe as being brilliant. The cast preformed with such emotion and depth that I was literally adding extra time to my running route or making random trips to the store just so I could listen a little bit more. Multiple times I found myself crying (er..sobbing really) over some particularly poignant scene or gasping loudly at each new unexpected revelation. Though I didn't really love the final conclusion to the series, I have to admit that even the ending was fiercely poetic in it's star-cross'd lovers way.

And while I don't exactly hold with Philip Pullman's views on organized religion and God, Lyra and Will's adventures are nothing short of magical. The worlds they visit and the people/creatures they meet! The armored bear Iorek Byrnison, the aeronaut Lee Scoresby, the witch Serafina Pekkala, the Mulefa, the Gallivespian Chevalier Tialys...too many to count here but each one is characterized beautifully. Lyra and her adventures in The Golden Compass were enjoyable and interesting, the addition of a full cast reading turned this series into something spell-bindingly wondrous.

series reading (listening) order:
~ The Golden Compass or Northern Lights
~ The Subtle Knife
~ The Amber Spyglass


  1. Wow, sounds awesome! I love this series and it's good to know that they have excellent audiobooks for it. I hope I can listen to it someday! I've never really tried an audiobook. I've only seen several in bookstores and they're really expensive. I think even more expensive that the actual books. So I haven't bought them.

  2. I gave you an award on my blog!!! I love yours...

  3. Chachic - this version is amazing. And well worth tracking down. I wonder, have you tried looking into Paperback Swap or Book Mooch for getting books your way?

    Patty - How sweet! Thanks!

  4. I have looked into Book Mooch but I tried searching for the books that I want and they don't seem to be available there. :( I'll try to see if Paperback Swap is any better.


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