CSN Bookshelf Product review

As I mentioned a few days ago, I was asked to select an item for review from the massively huge CSN Stores catalog. After looking around at all their fun stuffs, I finally decided on a much needed bookshelf for my little boy's room. Mostly due to my inability to stop buying books, the little turkey has long since outgrown his puny little shelf so I thought this was a perfect time for an upgrade.
The exact shelf I picked out is the KidKraft Avalon 46" Bookcase in honey wood. To my surprise the shelf actually arrived yesterday - since I only ordered it last week, that was some speedy shipping.

Here's what Mr. FedEx brought:
Inside, all the individual pieces were packed tightly with just the right amount of padding so that nothing got scratched or dented during shipping.
I took all the pieces out of the box (just like Christmas morning!) and was even more impressed. Each piece of the shelf is made from solid wood and the directions were really clear and concise with plenty of pictures for non-mechanical folks like me.

My little 'helper' laying out all the pieces.
Even better, all you needed to put the shelf together was an allen wrench - which was included - so setting it up was a breeze. In fact I have no shots of me putting it together because I was finished in like 15 minutes.

And here it is all assembled. It looks exactly like I thought it would and I'm pleasantly surprised to say that it's really quite sturdy. Considering it's go into a toddler's room, that's always a good thing. 
I'm really happy with the final product. It matches my little guy's other furniture perfectly and holds tons of books - they all fit in with plenty of room to grow! I am in love.

Although watching the little man immediately run over and begin pulling out books to read may have completely melted my heart. Just a little bit.


  1. Aw, that last one is so cute. Little reader.

  2. That's such a cute shelf for your son. I'm glad he loves to read as well. :)

  3. He is so darling. My boy LOVED helping daddy build our IKEA shelves.

  4. Angie - I like him ;)

    Chachic - I've got to train him up early, right?

    Holly - Yes. 'helper' is the word right. Not that you really get much done while they are around.


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