Literary Love: Jane Austen E-Cards

I've stumbled across some very unique things while getting ready for Literary Love, but one of my favorites has to be this selection of free E-Cards at Austenfans.
Sourcebooks has put together a fantastic little site which covers any and all of your Jane Austen needs. At Austenfans you can get detailed plot summaries, learn more about Jane herself or send a friend one of these lovely E-Cards. The cards encompass all six of Austen's novels and feature over forty meticulous designs with accompanying quotes. Whether you fancy the hilarious drama of Northanger Abbey or simply a peek at Mr. Darcy's picture gallery - these little gems are too whimsical to miss out on. I'm a fool for this sort of illustration style and am already plotting which of my close friends and relations will be receiving one. Go ahead and add a little bookish whimsy to your Valentines Day this year.

Don't forget: Only one more day to nominate for your top Literary Love couple!


  1. Brenda - I just fell immediately in love. Now I want to know where I can buy the print copies..

    vvb32 reads - aren't they just?

    Chris - I'm thinking it's the incredible detail that makes them such a winner don't you think?


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