Literary Love: Bookish Romantic Movies

While finalizing your plans for that special Day of Lurrve this weekend (I'll be busy compiling results), let me leave you with a couple of top romantic movies lists. And if you haven't already done so, be sure to vote for your top Literary Love couples - I'll be announcing the winners on Sunday.

My favorite book to silver screen romances?

West Side Story (which is basically Romeo and Juliet)

North and South (hello Richard Armitage...)

The Princess Bride


Romeo + Juliet

and this one scene that still kills me every time...

What movie will you snuggle up with this year?


  1. I love The Princess Bride and Chocolat, although I don't think I've read either.

  2. Roxy - It's just perfect in my book :)

    Brenda - Both are very fun reads - although I like Chocolat the movie much better than the book. Maybe that's because it has Johnny Depp!

  3. Good choices. I would probably add Breakfast at Tiffany's. I love that movie. Even if it isn't completely faithful to the book.

    And Sense & Sensibility. Love me some Colonel Brandon.

  4. I liked the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's (I really love Audrey Hepburn), but I disliked the book a lot.

  5. Angie & Brenda - you know, I have never seen or read Breakfast at Tiffany's. And I have no idea why either. Maybe this year I should remedy that.

  6. That is one of the best kissing scenes EVER!


Thoughts? Questions? What you had for breakfast?
This is your chance.