Are you a smarty pants?

Yesterday the Hubby directed me to a supremely fun website that for once doesn't make me feel like I'm simply wasting time on the internets. You can test your vocabulary, your knowledge of art, or even those rusty basic math skills (the Hubby's favorite) all while supporting a wonderful cause. It's called Free Rice and the premise is each time you answer a question correctly, Free Rice will donate 10 grains of rice to the World Food Programme to help end hunger. Nifty huh? You get to find out if you really are a smarty pants (it will tell you your skill level) while feeding hungry folks. Just be careful, every time you get a question wrong, they take away 10 grains of rice.*

* Just kidding :) That would be the Hubby's twisted sense of humor talking.


  1. I love!

    My boyfriend used it to study for the verbal section of the GRE, and I will be doing the same if/when I take the GREs.

  2. I love it too. I "waste" a lot of time there!!

  3. April - Ha! That is genius - wish I had known about it when the hubby was prepping for the GRE.

    Lenore - yeah, it's one I don't feel too bad about visiting every day ;)


Thoughts? Questions? What you had for breakfast?
This is your chance.