Am I morbid?

Many of you know about my fascination with anything dystopian, end of the world or post-apocalypse in literature. Maybe I just have an unhealthy curiosity over what happens when either mass disease, natural disasters or super scary technology irrevocably changes the world. Something about people showing their true colors in times of trial and all that. Many of you have also expressed similar interest and I just knew there were others out there. So I couldn't have been more pleased to read the fabbity-fab post The Book Smugglers recently wrote outlining mucho many dystopian books as part of their YA Appreciation Month. They hit many of my favorites (how i live now for starters) and touched on many that I can't wait to try out (can anyone say Obernewtyn?). I think I've just added another 15 inches to my ever increasing TBR pile...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link to that amazing list--and I found you through Angieville :)

    How I Live Now is one of my all time favorites, Obernewtyn was good although I read it a long time ago and can't remember much. Tomorrow When the War Began (if you haven't read already) I highly recommend--that whole series completely sucked me in when I was younger, felt like I was living it. And The Time Machine, classic.


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